We all want to rear healthy and productive chickens but do you know that housing plays a crucial role in the result? Apart from protecting them from predators, proper house design helps to protect your chickens from diseases. Therefore it is important to consider every factor when planning and designing your poultry house. In this article, we will look at 6 simple and modern poultry houses ideal for a Kenyan farmer.
Requirements of a good poultry house;
Before you start designing your house ensure that it is;
- In a well-drained area
- It is an airy site that is protected from wind.
- Economical
- Have a footbath at the entrance
- Protected from pests like rodents
- Sturdy
- Near water source
8 Modern and Simple Poultry Housing Design In Kenya
Key Features
Below are the features to consider when designing a poultry house;
Design 1: Allow foraging
Chicken like to forage in the dirt looking for worms and insects. They also get grit which aids in digestion. One of the things that contributes to a higher cost of production is food. If you allow your chicken to forage, you can save a lot of money. Also, you let the chicken enjoy the freedom of expressing natural behavior which is a great pillar of animal welfare.

Design 2: Ease of access
You should build a house that you can easily access. This means easy to enter, collect eggs, give food, and give water. It should also allow you to check for their health by watching their behavior easily.

Design 3: Ventilation
Your poultry house should allow an easy flow of air. This helps to remove excess heat and moisture, easy gaseous exchange, and reduce dust in the air. Also, it helps in preventing the amount of Ammonia in the air which can lead to ammonia poisoning.

Design 4: Easy to clean
A poultry house should be easy to clean. However, it should not be slippery. You can use wood shavings, concrete floors, or timber as the floor.

Design 5: Allow nesting
Nesting areas allow the chicken to lay eggs without interruption. Also, it can be used when they are in brooding season. The nesting areas should be comfortable, warm, and if possible not direct to the sun. This will also help in easy egg collection.

Design 6: Perching
A good poultry house should have perches. The recommended Perches are useful in;
- They allow your chicken to rest at night and during the daytime.
- Reduces boredom hence preventing vices like cannibalism, egg eating, and pecking.

You should use rounded stick perches that correspond to the chicken feet.
Design 7: Dust bathing
A dust bath location is a place where chicken can roll their bodies in the dirt. It helps to keep them smelling fresh and is their natural way of mite treatment. It is also recreational and aids in socializing. This can help minimize vices that result out of boredom.

Design 8: Ramp or stairs
Have some stairs or a ramp to help your chicken easily navigate the house. They also help the workers to access them easily or collect eggs.

Benefits of the poultry housing for the chicken.
- Houses are important in that they;
- Protect them from harsh weather conditions.
- Protect from predators
- Heat/ Insulation
- Prevention from theft
- Organization of individual laying nests
- Provides chicken with social comfort and leisure etc.
Consequently, the design and construction of the poultry house should fulfill the aforementioned purposes. You have the option of hiring professionals to build a chicken house or building it yourself, depending on your level of technical expertise.